Crescent Hall is perfectly located between Oxford's main popular areas, with easy and convenient access to Cowley Road, Headington and Oxford City Centre. It is also within walking distance of the Temple Cowley Shopping Centre.
Crescent Hall offers single, non-ensuite, accommodation in apartments of six to seven bedrooms with shared kitchen, dining, shower and toilet facilities.
The minimum age to stay is 18+ years
Animals and pets are not allowed except registered guide and assistance dogs.
报到: 16:00 (4:00下午) - 18:00 (6:00下午) (如果您的旅行计划无法调整,则可能允许在此窗口之外抵达,但这需视供应情况而定)
查看: 08:00 (8:00上午) - 10:00 (10:00上午)