Thanks to its central location near both Airdrie and Glasgow, this property has access to lots of great sights.
There's the People's Palace in eastern Glasgow, a fantastic museum where you can learn all about the city's incredible industrial history that has led to it being famed across the world.
Closer by, there's also the Summerlee Museum in Coatbridge, an incredible exhibition into the mining heritage of this area with actual working trams and machinery from bygone eras.
Just outside the apartment, there's also some pleasant nature walks along the Kennel Burn which take you through woodlands, the perfect tranquil walk for unwinding after a day of travel.
报到: 16:00 (4:00下午) - 23:00 (11:00下午) (如果您的旅行计划无法调整,则可能允许在此窗口之外抵达,但这需视供应情况而定)
查看: 前 10:00 (10:00上午)