Bed & Breakfast accommodation in UK University Colleges
A great value alternative to a cheap hotel, B&B or hostel. Not just for students - anyone can book!
Bed and breakfast or self-catering rooms
We bring together over 100 universities, colleges, and student residences in 30+ UK cities, which use us to fill their empty rooms during the Summer, Christmas and Easter holidays. Whether you are aged 18 or 80, you'll find this a suprisingly convenient and affordable accommodation option.
Long-stay student accommodation
Are you a student looking for accommodation for a month, a term or a year? Some rooms in London are available to students on a long-term basis - a great alternative to UK hostel.
Everyone at the Isis was very kind and helpful. Special recognition to Patricia in the dining room and Julian at the front desk.
The manager (owner?) was very good too and I’m sorry I didn’t get his name.
I had a wonderful experience and will recommend this guesthouse.
Review of Tamesis Guest House (St Edmund Hall), Oxford