Bed & Breakfast accommodation in UK University Colleges
A great value alternative to a cheap hotel, B&B or hostel. Not just for students - anyone can book!
Bed and breakfast or self-catering rooms
We bring together over 100 universities, colleges, and student residences in 30+ UK cities, which use us to fill their empty rooms during the Summer, Christmas and Easter holidays. Whether you are aged 18 or 80, you'll find this a suprisingly convenient and affordable accommodation option.
Long-stay student accommodation
Are you a student looking for accommodation for a month, a term or a year? Some rooms in London are available to students on a long-term basis - a great alternative to UK hostel.
Very good experience. All the staff working there are so friendly and handful. The location of the place is excellent. I would only recommend to put wifi connection on the rooms because we could only use it on the common room and since we paid 5£ for it is reasonable to want it on the room.
Review of Evelyn Gardens, Chelsea, London