Westminster Hall is situated at the Oxford Brookes Harcourt Hill Campus. Located 2.5 miles from Oxford City Centre with excellent transport links via the City Centre, Westminster Hall is the perfect accommodation for Students and Visitors.
Offering single ensuite rooms in apartments of (approximately) four to six to a flat with shared kitchen facilities. Please note, towels and toiletries are not provided.
Westminster Hall is adjacent to occupied student accommodation so, at times, a lively atmosphere is to be expected.
The minimum age to stay is 18+ years.
Please note, July is Westminster Halls peak price rate due to its increased popularity.
Lift access is not available in all areas. If you require a room on the lower floors please indicate this in your booking.
Arrivée : 14:00 (2:00) - 18:00 (6:00) (aucune arrivée n'est autorisée hors de ces horaires)
Départ : 09:00 (9:00) - 10:00 (10:00)
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